

Gor architecture tries to follow UNIX philosophy: everything made of pipes, various inputs multiplexing data to outputs.

You can rate limit, filter, rewrite requests or even use your own middleware to implement custom logic. Also, it is possible to replay requests at the higher rate for load testing.

Available input and output plugins

Available inputs:

  • --input-raw - used to capture HTTP traffic, you should specify IP address or interface and application port. More about [[Capturing and replaying traffic]].

  • --input-file - accepts file which previously was recorded using --output-file. More about [[Saving and Replaying from file]]

  • --input-tcp - used by Gor aggregation instance if you decided forward traffic from multiple forwarder Gor instances to it. Read about using [[Aggregator-forwarder setup]].

Available outputs:

  • --output-http - replay HTTP traffic to given endpoint, accepts base url. Read more about it

  • --output-file - records incoming traffic to the file. More about [[Saving and Replaying from file]]

  • --output-tcp - forward incoming data to another Gor instance, used in conjunction with --input-tcp. Read more about [[Aggregator-forwarder setup]].

  • --output-stdout - used for debugging, outputs all data to stdout.

Last updated